Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mama's BOY!!!!!

Oh BOY! That's right!( That explains why all I want is man food, lots of meat and cheese!) And we could not be more excited about it!! Knowing that he is in fact a he, and not one bit shy about it according to the ultrasound, has made this even more real and exciting for us! We were so relieved to know that everything else looks great and healthy! We promptly ran out right after the appt to buy him his first clothes! I cannot wait to meet and dress this little man, and he
is indubitably going to be one spoiled little BOY!!
We also felt it was very appropriate that his very first outfit be a swimming suit, and we plan on raising him on the boat!!;)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ok so, shopping around for baby stuff right now kind of feels like me trying to write a song. I have no idea what I'm doing and what to shop for. So I want to ask all mom's what their favorites are. Anything, strollers, diapers, blankets, binkies, cribs, clothes, your must haves, etc. Also stuff for being prego, maternity clothes, supplements, just whatever! I'm dreading mom jeans (Mom to be jeans). I tried some on and I felt as hideous as they seem to be to me. This whole metamorphosis of my body is not so cute to me. Doesn't help that I'm kind of always ornery, sick, but I somehow want to eat the grossest things, like a Big Mac or spaghettios and meat balls. Don't worry, I'll even eat those weird circus peanut candy things. I used to always think, "why do they even make those, and who would ever eat them?" The person who did make them, was obviously pregnant. I'll tell you what though, my favorite thing right now, every night taking a bubble bath while eating gobstoppers, and listening to music while playing solitaire. Heaven.

Well I'd love your input, so please spill the beans!!