So my sister April is very talented, and offered to help me try and learn to make some drapes, so lets be honest, her and my mom did most of the work, and I am so glad because look at how beautiful they turned out! At least I hung them!
Ok so maybe Travis did.... but I took the pictures.

So for the last 2 years, I've been trying to decide what to do in our room, and so I decided to wallpaper!
Every time I said that so someone, their facial expression, dropped to confusion and they would say, "oh...." I'm sure they were thinking of the 1970s wallpaper with teddy bears and weird things! So here are before and after pictures! We were just about to paint in the one above so everything is piled on my bed and it's blurry, but I guess it just adds to the end result!

This picture doesn't do it any justice! I totally love it and my favorite part is the chandelier! It was hard to get a good angel, and try to get it all, and this makes my room look even smaller than it really is! I want to make drapes, ( well have April make drapes!) to go in here, so hopefully I'll get around to that soon!